Seward Co-op

Standing Tall for Co-ops

Standing Tall for Co-ops

One name we kept hearing and reading while doing research for Radical Roots was Kris Olsen. Kris was a dedicated co-op activist who popped up all over our story: befriending Moe Burton while helping out the Bryant-Central Co-op, being physically thrown out of Seward Co-op by the CO (they needed a bunch of guys - Kris was very tall!)...

Bryant-Central: Three Tries at a Co-op

Bryant-Central: Three Tries at a Co-op

“No one would ever mistake Moe for a hippie.  But I think he liked that service part, and I think it was part of his whole life's arc. That he moved away from that serious revolutionary political stuff, more into a service role. Trying to be more effective. Trying to be more productive.”

The Midcentury African-American Co-ops of the Twin Cities

The Midcentury African-American Co-ops of the Twin Cities

 So right as this old wave is coming to a close, at least for the grocery co-ops, the folks in your documentary are first getting the idea that maybe we should just put some food out on a porch or we should find a way to do this at cost. It’s an interesting notion that as soon as the one wave recedes the other one starts to pick up the pace...