
A Song and a Dream

A Song and a Dream

Another clip from Ed Felien’s Georgeville commune film, featuring a lovely song that, for me, epitomizes the optimism and confidence that allowed some in the Baby Boom generation to believe they could remake the world, which in turn allowed them to create so many things that we take for granted these days (like natural food co-ops).

Watching this Spider John Koerner / Willie Murphy Video from 1969 will be the most fun you'll have all day

Watching this Spider John Koerner / Willie Murphy Video from 1969 will be the most fun you'll have all day

At least it was for me, and I had a pretty good day. We’re digging into the great Minnesota music of the 1970s for use in Radical Roots, especially the work of Willie Murphy. Willie’s band Willie and the Bumblebees (better known as Willie & the Bees) seem to be omnipresent in our research on the early food co-ops.